Chasetown Community School

Careers Education, Information and Guidance at Chasetown Community School


Chasetown Community School is committed to fulfilling its statutory duty to secure independent and impartial careers guidance for pupils in all years (Education Act 1997). We believe that everyone deserves to be part of a stronger, fairer society in which people from all backgrounds can realise their full potential. 


The programme is delivered across all eight Gatsby Benchmarks and is provided within a variety of ways, including through Life Skills, Citizenship and PSHE.  Pupils will receive guidance updates via email and the school has subscribed to Morrisby Careers programme.  Our Career Policy will set out how the school intends to provide a careers programme, which will provide all pupils with the knowledge, inspiration and ability to take ownership of their own career plans. It aims to challenge perceptions and raise aspirations so that subject choices and career choices are free from gender bias. The policy should encourage pupils to look beyond their current environment and to help them investigate new and exciting career possibilities. 


The Careers Policy will outline how we help pupils: 

  1. To gain the top 10 skills identified by local businesses
  2. To understand potential routes into employment
  3. Explore strengths and skills, interests, motivations and progress
  4. 4.  Introduce concept of stereotyping and assumptions about jobs.
  5. 5.  Identify influences on career decisions. 
  6. 6. Making successful choices
  7. 7.  Identify and develop personal networks and learn where to gain support
  8. 8.  Understand key terms of: career, job, employability, enterprise, STEM, job satisfaction, business structures, LMI, stereotyping, financial budgeting.
  9. 9. Demonstrate positivity, flexibility and preparation for transition points.  

The school offers a Careers, Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) programme that is appropriate for a middle school following statutory guidance. 


Outcomes for pupils: 

  1. Become aware of their interests, strengths and skills and be able to associate these with a variety of career paths 
  1. Researched their career paths and expanded their ideas, based on knowledge of current Labour Market Information (LMI) 
  1. Identified their preferred routed whilst remaining resilient and adaptable to change. 
  1. Moved on confidently having developed the skills to make successful choices in the future. 
  1. Build aspirations and reflect on how these match expectations. 
  1. They will understand key vocabulary for career paths. 
  1. Provided with the opportunity to learn the skills and gain knowledge needed to earn a living, once they enter employment.  


Click here for the Careers Enterprise Company Guidance for Middle Schools


Careers Policy

View our Careers Policy here


The policy will be implemented using the ‘SEND Gatsby Benchmark Toolkit.’

The Provider Access Policy Statement(PAL)

The Provider Access Policy Statement(PAL) sets out the school’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to pupils at the school for the purpose of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the
Education Act 1997.


Download our Provider Access Policy Statement(PAL) here   


Management of Provider Access Requests


All requests made by providers should be e-mailed at least 4 weeks in advance of the expected date of the session. In the first instance, requests by providers should be sent to:-

Name of Careers Leader - Ms Paula Kerr
Careers Leader email address -
Telephone No: Chasetown Community School – 01543- 686315 

Did you know that Chasetown Community School is part of the Stoke on Trent & Staffordshire Careers Hub?

The Careers Hub brings the worlds of education and employment together to create inspirational and comprehensive careers programmes.

Every young person deserves the best possible start to their working life; to choose their path, fulfil their potential and contribute to a thriving economy. Careers and enterprise education inspires, informs and immerses young people in the ever changing world of work.

Please click here to download a copy of the information leaflet that gives parents/carers their top ten tips for supporting their child. 


 All year 7 and 8 pupils have access to 'Morrisby', which is an online platform offering careers advice and guidance.


To log in, please click here