School financial information
This page contains details of our school financial information. Descriptions of the funding can be found under each heading, with our reports and statements provided at the bottom of the page
Income, expenditure and workforce
Please see the below link to our schools financial information on income, expenditure and workforce. There are currently no school employees that have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more.
Y7 Catch-up Funding
Year 7 Catch Up Funding 2020/2021
The literacy and numeracy catch-up premium gives state-funded schools additional funding to support Y7 pupils who did not achieve the expected standard in reading or Maths at the end of Key Stage 2 (KS2).At Chasetown Community School , this funding is used to provide these students with a bespoke curriculum which includes a literacy-based curriculum, additional staffing in English and Maths, and additional reading support.
All of this support is designed to help these students “catch-up” in terms of their literacy and numeracy and therefore have the skills necessary to make progress in the remainder of their academic life.
Covid 19 funding
Covid 19 Catch Up Funding 20/21
The aim of this funding is to ensure children make rapid progress to address the gaps in skills & knowledge from the lost learning time due to lockdown and to promote and support their emotional well being to enable them to be learning ready The funding at £80 per child, will be used to ensure children make rapid progress to address the gaps in skills and knowledge from the lost learning time in the previous academic year whilst promoting their emotional and mental well- being to enable them to be able to be learning ready.
Pupil premium
The Pupil Premium grant was introduced in 2011 by the government to support the raising of attainment for economically disadvantaged pupils. Schools have the freedom to spend the premium in a way they think will best achieve desired outcomes for these children. The funding is allocated to schools for those who have registered for free school meals in the last six years, are in care of the local authority (looked after, adopted from care, or who have left care) or have parents in the Armed Forces in the last 4 years.
PE and sports premium
Schools must use the PE and Sport funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity (PESSPA) they offer. This means that we need to use the PE and Sport premium to:
• Develop or add to the PESSPA activities that we already offer
• Build capacity and capability within the school to ensure that improvements made no will benefit pupils joining the school in future years
This year we made the decision to upgrade the outdoor exercise provision. This was to provide more opportunities for fitness exercises and to encourage more active play opportunities. Linked to this, based on the special needs of our pupils, we also wanted to provide more opportunities for them to develop their social skills. In addition we provided swimming lessons for ks3 in the summer term to make up for the lessons lost during covid by that cohort.
Along with the major spending outlined below some of money was also spent on maintaining the school bicycles to be used on the BMX track and providing equipment for use at breaktimes e.g. footballs and small football nets.
The upgrades to our outdoor equipment will provide ongoing opportunities for all pupils present and in the future to develop healthy activity levels
Of our current year 6 pupils (as start of Spring term 2023), 22% meet the national curriculum requirements:
- 22% of year 6 pupils can swim competently, confidently, and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
- 22% of year 6 pupils can use a range of strokes effectively (for example front crawl, backstroke, and breaststroke)
- 22% of year 6 pupils can perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations
Financial reports
P.E and Sports Premium 2022/23
P.E and Sports Premium 2023/24
P.E and Sports Premium 2023/24 Report
P.E and Sports Premium 2023/24 Evaluation
Pupil Premium 2019/20 statement
Pupil Premium 2021/22 statement
Pupil Premium 2022/23 Statement
Pupil Premium, sports premium and Covid 19 2020/21 Report
Pupil Premium, KS3 (year 7 Catch up and Covid 19 Catch up funding 2020/21 Statement