Chasetown Community School

FAQ, Acronyms and Abbreviations


How can I apply for a place at your school?

Pupils are referred to our school via District SEND Assessment teams and will have an Education Health and Care Plan in which our school has been named.  Following this you may  be asked to arrange a visit to view our school. If you accept the place, we meet with you to complete our school admission pack. 

Information on schools and specialist provision can be found here.

Information on SEND in Staffordshire can be found here.

Information on the Staffordshire SEND Family partnership can be found here.


What are the school hours?

Current school hours 

Monday - Thursday: 8.50am - 3:00pm  

Parents/carers to collect from 3pm with taxies being loaded 10 -15 minutes later.  (Previous finish time 3:25)

 Friday 8.50am - 2:00pm

Parents/carers  to collect from 2pm with taxies being loaded 10 -15 minutes later.  (Previous finish time 2:25)


What are the school term dates?

Term dates can be found on our calendar on the front page or on our news page here.


How much does a school dinner cost?

A school meal costs £2.30 a day or £11.50 per week, unless you are in receipt of free school meals. We can currently only accept cash or cheque payments. If paying by cheque, please make it payable to Staffordshire County Council


How can I apply for free school meals?

Information on free school meals and how to apply for them can be found here


Where can I order a school uniform for my child?

School uniform can be ordered from the school office where we have a limited supply, or online through our supplier. Please follow this link for more information.


What is your policy for taking images of children in or out of school?

Consent for taking images or videos of a child for use in school is discussed as part of our admission meeting. Separate consent will be sought for events or trips (in or out of school) and for use on our website, publications or by external agencies. Due to the nature of many of our looked after children, we will only ever use images and videos in school. If you have any questions, please contact the school.


Can I have a copy of the policy/information on your website? 

Please contact the school should you require a paper copy of one of our policies, website pages or any information on our website. Copies are provided free of charge.


Acronyms and Abbreviations 
EHCP Educational Health care plan
PBSP Personal Behaviour support plan
 KS2  Key Stage 2 - children aged 8 -1. School years 3 to 6  
KS3 Key Stage 3 - Children aged 11 - 14. School years 7 to 9. Please note our school only support children up to year 8.
PSHE Personal, Social and health Education
SATs Standard Assessment Tasks
SEN Special Educational Needs
 SEND Special Educational Needs and Disability
SEAL   Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning